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602-0034. JAPAN
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Message from President Nobuaki Tomita

Japanese culture supports economy and education makes tourist country Japan a real thing

“Sending out a charm of kimono that is the Japanese culture from all over the world.” I believe that the Japanese culture can pass for the world and conveying the greatness of the Japanese culture from the world let the Japanese people realize it. I think that we must protect the Japanese culture by ourselves and somebody must observe tradition to young generation now. To be honest, the first reason why I went to L.A. for was to make my dream which is being a costume producer as a designer and take the Academy Awards reality. But I have changed my mind. Japan used to be called an economic superpower and it has supported Japanese culture so far. But it wouldn’t be easy to keep conserving it since economy has been recession.

I think that it is the time when sending Japanese culture to the inside and outside of countries gets active rural economy. These days, we have full of products and even population is increasing very much. I think it is most important thing that we take good care of invisible things and educate children who could be able to tell true the Japanese culture. This will lead Japan to tourist country.

I’d like to keep doing my best to get unformed result, keep feeling unseen things.
